Wednesday, March 5, 2014

ONIONS... My Way...

Onions… I love onions.  Eating onions is like breathing air for me.  (I like Vidalia Onions the best, but they have a limited season...  so in the end, any onion is a good onion.)

I’m not sure of the carb count in onions, and for myself I don’t care.  Onions are one of those “exceptions” that I couldn’t remember when I tried to list them in an earlier post.  I’m pretty sure they don’t have many carbs though… and I’m sticking to that theory for myself.

Anyhow…. One of the hassles of onions is that I ALWAYS want to put them in almost everything (minus my low carb [fake] "cheesecake” alternative).  BUT getting one out from the onion bag under the sink.. filtering through other onions' shedded papery skins..(which often end up scattered on the floor)... then cleaning up my selected onion… chopping off the ends, peeling off all the “stuff”… then finally having it ready to chop is just a bit of a hassle.. almost makes me think twice if I REALLY have to have that onion chopped into my tuna-egg salad or not… but of course, I do.... so I do it.

Besides.. after you get all the crud off an onion, you have to clean the chopping board (or get another one… or turn it over…) so that the crud doesn’t get on the onion that you want to chop…  and then… after the chopping and mixing it into the food you’re preparing.. you have to clean up all that crap off the counter… just for one measly, but necessary onion.

Kind of a hassle for one lowly onion.... usually worth it, but still...…  so…   

Here’s “Onions My Way”:

This is how I figure it.... I may as well just get all the mess over with at once.  I get out the whole bag.  One at a time I chop both ends off then peel off the outer stuff that I know I don’t want in my food.  Then.. I rinse it off and put it in a large ziplock… I do this to all the onions in the onion bag….. and end up with a big bag of nice clean ready-to-use onions (they have to be stored in the fridge.. duh...)  Next time I need an onion, it will be all ready to chop and add to whatever I'm cooking.  Ta Da…! 

Of course you still have to clean all that onion crud off the counter… but at least it’s only one big cleaning..not every time you want an onion.  

PS..  You see that knife?  My daughter, Ruth, gave it to me for my birthday.. or Mother's Day or.. can't remember for sure..

That knife is made by a Japanese sword company!  It's the most amazing knife I have ever used.

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